
The new resource for Christians everywhere
for meditation and reflection.
About Me
I have written commentary on the entire Bible, written a full length musical set called "Jesus Christ Risen Star" around the Passion of Jesus, and written Christian music that is available on all the major streaming platforms.
I have written, directed and starred in a short film called
"A Galaxy of Marks" that looks at how the world's first clones discover God.
I have started a podcast where the Bible is read over my own classical music - Classically Speaking.
I am working on a set of children's musical plays, including a Nativity play. More info to come soon.
Some of the links to my work connect to my other websites.

classically speaking - podcast
The Bible read to classical music daily. Music composed and performed by John.
You could read the passage for yourself first. Then listen to it being read by John allowing the Bible passage to come alive in your mind.
The idea is to reflect on the Bible passage, improving your mood as you use the music and readings to meditate and clear your mind from everyday noise. Take deep breaths, focus on your senses and listen to your body.
Nadi and Chloe fell in love in Nazareth 2,000 years ago despite Nadi being wanted by the Romans. They also witnessed their friend being crucified by the Romans, then three days coming back to life; their friend’s name was Jesus.
JCRS has a wide selection of new, fresh, and contemporary music with rock, acoustic and classical themes.
"It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop"