Classically Speaking – John reads the Bible in a year to classical music composed and performed by John.
The concept is simple. John reads passages from the Bible over suitable classical music. But not just any classical music, music composed and performed by John.
You could read the passage for yourself first. Then listen to it being read by John allowing the Bible passage to come alive in your mind.
The idea is to reflect on the Bible passage, improving your mood as you use the music and readings to meditate and clear your mind from everyday noise. Take deep breaths, focus on your senses and listen to your body.
Christian meditation encourages you to also look towards God, as well as into yourself. The world is getting busier and there are so many things demanding our attention. Now is the time to take “you time” and focus on what is important.
There are no sermons or commentaries. No-one gives their opinions or preaches. It is simply the Bible being read. You connect with the passages anyway you want to. Get to know the Bible in a year in a new and exciting way.
You can become a Yahway member and gain access to all the passages with timings, early releases, bonus videos and you can request your favourite Bible passage to be read.
You can also ask John to record a personal message for you, for example wishing a loved one a Happy birthday or happy anniversary.
John studied his Masters of Theology at Glasgow University and is also a Religious Education teacher in a secondary school in Scotland.
He has also written a commentary on the Bible that can be ordered from Amazon called “What’s the Good News for today?”
Whether you have faith, no faith or if you are developing your faith, these podcasts are for you.
Season 2 coming very soon. A new episode will be published every day at 9am.