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Princess of New York

Sci-Fi / Romcom

In Me
J Richmond

In Me

The Princess of New York - pitch deck - MP4

The Princess of New York - pitch deck - .pdf


The Princess of New York by John Richmond

Genre: Drama, Romance, Comedy, Fantasy, Family, Mystery, Coming-of-age, Slice of Life, Slice of life, Romantic Comedy


Format: TV Pilot

Logline: Ryan, a recently made CEO is put under the spell of Princess Abby who is plain old Abby armed with a magic potion mouth spray that transforms her into a beautiful Disney style princess.  Ryan must follow his heart to find his true Cinderella or risk an unhappy ever after. 


Physical Environment: The physical environment in the screenplay varies from the bustling and technologically advanced setting of New York City to the magical and fantastical world of princesses and fairy tales. The world also includes mundane, everyday settings such as cafes, hospitals, and parks.


Culture: The cultural elements in the screenplay include family bonds, friendship, and childhood memories. The world also highlights societal structures such as the fragility of life, the impact of tragedy, and the power dynamics between different social classes. The cultural elements emphasize the importance of love, togetherness, and personal growth.


Synopsis: The story follows the life of Abby, a young woman who discovers a magical mouth spray that transforms her into a beautiful princess. As Abby navigates her newfound identity, she must confront personal challenges, societal pressures, and a longing for a connection with a man from her past. Through its heartwarming and whimsical tone, the script explores themes of self-discovery, identity, and the pursuit of happiness.


In this TV pilot screenplay, we follow the lives of Abby and Ryan, two individuals whose paths have been intertwined since birth. The story is a mix of nostalgia, romance, humor, and mystery, as Abby navigates her dual identities as a waitress and a princess while trying to keep her true self a secret from Ryan. As they reunite and sparks fly, their connection deepens, and the mystery surrounding Abby's past starts to unravel. With elements of fantasy and drama, the screenplay sets the stage for a complex and intriguing story of love, identity, and second chances.


Conflict and Stakes: Abby's struggle to reconcile her true self with the princess persona she has created, while also dealing with her strained relationship with her step-family. Ryan's struggle with people being false around him due to his wealth. The stakes are high as Abby's true identity is at risk of being revealed and Ryan's heart is on the line.


Overall Mood: Magical and romantic, with a touch of humor and drama.


Unique Hook: The use of a mouth spray as a magical device to transform into a princess is a fresh take on the classic princess story.


Writing Style: The writing style across this screenplay is characterized by a blend of introspection, emotional depth, and quirky humor. The scenes explore themes of identity, relationships, and personal growth, often with a touch of whimsy and imagination. The dialogue is sharp, witty, and engaging, driving the narrative forward and revealing character motivations and emotions.


The TV Pilot is a promising start to a captivating series. It effectively introduces the main characters, sets up intriguing conflicts, and provides a glimpse into the unique world of the story.


The writer's voice is characterized by a blend of observational humor, introspective narration, and a focus on the inner thoughts and experiences of the characters. The writing style is witty, insightful, and often tinged with melancholy, creating a unique blend of humor and depth.


The screenplay demonstrates a high level of originality through its unique characters, settings, and situations. The use of magical realism and the exploration of themes such as identity, self-acceptance, and societal pressure add depth and creativity to the narrative. The characters' actions and dialogue feel authentic and relatable, further enhancing the originality of the screenplay.



USP: Discover a heartwarming and whimsical journey of self-discovery and growth in this innovative script that blends the mundane with the magical. Our protagonist, Abby, transforms into Princess Abby, exploring themes of identity, family, and love through a unique lens. With its distinct characters, including the quirky Colin and the antagonistic Paula, and its blend of humor, drama, and fantasy, this script offers a fresh and engaging take on the coming-of-age genre. The writer's unique voice, filled with observational humor, introspective narration, and a focus on the inner lives of the characters, adds depth and intrigue to the story. This script is a must-read for fans of unconventional storytelling and magical realism.




Abby: The main character, who transforms into a princess using a mouth spray. She works at a diner and is trying to find her place in the world.


Ryan: A wealthy man who falls in love with Abby when she is transformed into a princess. He is kind-hearted and genuine, but struggles with people being false around him due to his wealth.


Budget Estimate: $25 million.


Target Audience Demographics: Female audiences aged 13-25, fans of romantic comedies and fairy tales.


Marketability: The unique blend of fairy tale and romantic comedy elements, along with the strong female lead, make this screenplay appealing to a wide audience. The use of a mouth spray as a magical device is a fresh take on the classic princess story.

The diverse cast and relatable themes of self-discovery and identity make this screenplay stand out in the romantic comedy genre.

The unique blend of fairy tale and romantic comedy elements, along with the strong female lead, make this screenplay appealing to a wide audience. The use of a mouth spray as a magical device is a fresh take on the classic princess story.


Profit Potential: High, due to strong appeal to a wide female audience and potential for award nominations.

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